Crafton Moore

Cade Law Group represented Crafton Moore who was denied insurance coverage by State Farm for a house fire. Mr. Moore had obtained a Rental Dwelling Policy with State Farm for this rental property. At the time of the fire, the property was vacant as Mr. Moore was in the process of repairing damage caused by a recently evicted tenant. State Farm did not believe the fire was accidental and instead alleged that Mr. Moore made false representations for the purpose of obtaining insurance benefits. Cade Law Group attorneys sued on Mr. Moore’s behalf for breach of an insurance contract and bad faith.

To add insult to injury, the pre-trial settlement offer from State Farm was $13,000. After the jury verdict, the court ordered a second phase of the case to consider legal fees and punitive damages for State Farm’s bad faith. Ultimately, the case settled for an amount that included legal fees and bad faith monies.

Nonetheless, a federal jury was persuaded that Mr. Moore deserved coverage and awarded him over $163,000 in damages.

Wisconsin DOC Class Action Lawsuit

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